Quest is 13-week peer-led coaching program that facilitates behavior and attitude change through a leadership seminar, vision casting, and goal setting.
CROP offers Quest at Solano State Prison through a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Innovation Program Grant. The program has been running inside CDCR since 2012 where it was first developed at Soledad State Prison. Starting in 2017, the program became eligible for Rehabilitative Achievement Credits which enable people to earn time to leave prison early. For more information, contact Richard Mireles at richard.mireles@croporg.org.
Exercises in Empathy
Exercises in Empathy is an inside-out educational exchange program that brings high school and collegiate students inside Soledad State Prison to read and discuss literature.
Exercises in Empathy started in 2012 and originated with a partnership between Palma Catholic High School in Salinas, the Warden, members of the CROP team and other community members inside Soledad State Prison.
This transformative experiential learning program was highlighted on CNN’s This is Life with Lisa Ling (Prison and Prep School), which featured CROP Founder and Director of Programs, Jason Bryant.
Exercises in Empathy is still operating at Soledad State Prison through a CDCR CARE grant. CROP acts as the fiscal sponsor for the program, which is being implemented through a community partner.